Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan


The Contra Costa County Office of Education promotes success in learning 
and life
through quality leadership, programs and services.


Advocacy for all learners
We hold student achievement as our highest priority, our ultimate goal, and our collective responsibility.

Equity, inclusion and diversity
We lead with a focus on equity and value the inclusion of diverse perspectives to promote a
learning community where all can succeed.

Creativity and innovation
We welcome new ideas and creative thinking as we work toward continuous improvement.

Safe schools and workplaces for all
We commit to solutions that create safe and healthy schools and communities.

Quality and integrity in all that we do
We reach high standards for the work we do and the services we provide. 

Work-life balance
We promote workplace wellness, personal growth, and healthy connections for our employees.

Customer service
We provide quality customer service to all stakeholders.


Student Achievement
CCCOE promotes achievement for students who are facing the legal system, foster care,
homelessness and poverty, as well as students with significant disabilities.

Educational Equity
CCCOE processes and practices are conducted through an equity lens, with an emphasis on
cultural sensitivity and competence.

Organizational Wellness
CCCOE policies and practices support a positive and effective workplace culture for every level of the organization.

District Support
CCCOE supports the Districts and schools of Contra Costa County by providing programs and
services that support their students and organizations.

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